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Thomas Noland - Thorgal - Tintin - Torens van Schermerwoude - Trent - Trigië
(by Rosinski & Van Hamme)
See also: Comic
Thorgal is a friendly peace-loving man living among the Vikings. They never really accepted him, and their leader hated him when his daughter, Aaricia, fell for him. But they went on and the series is the story of their life, with later their children, and only when they come the real origin of Thorgal is revealed.
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
1 | ![]() |
De IJskoningin (The Ice Queen) |
Gandalf-the-Mad has condemned Thorgal to a horrible death: he is to wait for the high tide while chained to a rock in the icy sea of the North. But a mysterious woman comes an rescues him, in exchange for a year of his life. During that year he'll have to do whatever she tells him. His first job is to go and get the rings of Freyr. He only has to get past the guards. Of which the giant is only the smallest problem... |
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Het Eiland der Bevroren Zeeën (The Island of the Frozen Seas) |
Aaricia and Thorgal are in the last hour before their marriage. After that they'll leave the village to build their own life elsewhere. Just then two giant eagles lift Aaricia up in the air and take her away. While the rest of the village prepares their boats to go after them, Thorgal races on his horse over the beach. He's the only one seeing the drakkar without a sail. The men go after it in their boat, but they will soon wish they never found it... |
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(Three greybeards in the land of Aran) |
While traveling, Thorgal and Aaricia are invited to the land of Aran to participate in a feast. It doesn't really look feisty, and Thorgal would like to leave immediately. But Aaricia spots a beautiful necklace, and a dwarf tells them the legend: anyone who can make it loose with only one arrow will be queen. Aaricia makes an attempt... |
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De zwarte galei (The black galley) |
No more adventures for Aaricia and Thorgal, they found a roof in Caleb's community of farmers. They are waiting for their first child. But the jealous Shaniah makes Jarl Ewing believe Thorgal helped a prisoner escape, and Ewing takes him to the black galley of the cruel and dumb prince Veronar... |
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De schaduwen voorbij (Beyond the shadows) |
An old man is looking for Thorgal, and finds him - but not in the shape he expected him to be. Thorgal is completely cut off of this world, and his companion, Shaniah, can only keep them both alive with begging. The old man however needs Thorgal to use the key he still has, the key to the second world. That is the only way he can save the life of Aaricia, who is dieing. The news about Aaricia (she is not dead!) wakes Thorgal out of his lethargy, and he undertakes a mission no mortal being has ever undertaken... |
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De val van Brek Zarith (The fall of Brek Zarith) |
Baron Zorn is forced to be part of an experimental flight - and doesn't survive it. After that Shardar the mighty takes Aaricia's son with him for an experiment. He uses powers that are in the child to bring up visions of threats. Vikings over the water, Galathorn and an army over land, barons and vassals planning to take the power... And one man on foot, all alone, and that is the biggest threat... |
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Het sterrenkind (The child from the stars) |
A series of short stories about the boy Thorgal Aegirsson. About his unusual "birth", about his first encounter with mythical creatures, about where he really comes from... |
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Alinoë | Thorgal and his family now live on an island, far away from other people. Before the winter Thorgal goes to the main land for some supplies, he'll be away for two days, maybe three. Meanwhile Jolan would like to have a friend to play with. And one day one appears, a boy with green hair... |
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De boogschutters (The archers) |
During his return to his island Thorgal meets Tjall-the-fiery. This meeting results in two lost boats, and lost weapons, money, everything. Well, Tjall's uncle, Argunn woodfoot can help with a few things - he's a weapon-smith - but not with everything. There is an archery tournament nearby, and the prize is 100 silver Marks, enough to buy 10 boats. But they are not the only contestants. And not all contestants are nice people... |
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Het land Qâ (The land Qâ) |
Tjall and Argunn have assisted in rebuilding Thorgal's house, and are now ready to leave again. On that last evening Argunn, who has been teaching Jolan how to use a bow, is kidnapped together with the boy. It turns out to be a scheme by Kriss of Valnor, who needs Thorgal's assistance and knew that this was the only way to get it... |
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De ogen van Tanatloc (i>(The eyes of Tanatloc) |
While Kriss' company struggles through an unknown jungle, full with unknown but not undangerous animals, Argunn and Jolan are trying to escape. No use, since the city is surrounded by desert. When they return Tanatloc discovers who Thorgal and Jolan really are. He senses the strength of Jolan's hidden strength. And that is good, for it is needed to rescue Thorgal... |
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De stad van de verloren god (The city of the lost god) |
Thorgal and Kriss have made contact with someone from the army of the Chaams, inside Mayaxatl. There they hear the true goal of their mission: not to get the helmet, but to kill the owner, Ogotaï. Thorgal walks out: he will not be a hired killer. But he gets caught by the Chaams, and he is to be sacrificed to Ogotaï... |
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Tussen aarde en licht (Between earth and light) |
Thorgal would like to leave Qa and return to their own island. Jolan however is under the influence of the ambitious Uébac, and refuses. A small domestic incident gives this Uébac the excuse to get rid of Thorgal, Aaricia, Boomvoet and Variay, and take the power over the Xinjins, and hopefully over the whole continent. But Jolan finds out about his plans... |
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Aaricia | A set of beautiful short stories, with the young Aaricia as main character. Lovely stories, witnessing the predestination of Thorgal's and Aaricia's life in each other's company. |
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De meester van de bergen (The master of the hills) |
Thorgal is on his way through the mountains. Suddenly someone blows a horn, and it causes an avalanche. Thorgal is unharmed, but it means he has to take another route, and it is too late for that. He spots a plume of smoke and decides to go there to spend the night. It will become the strangest period of his life... |
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De wolvin (The she-wolf) |
They are almost home. And about time, their child can be born any day now. While sailing the last bit, they meet Wor the Tremendous, the new leader of the Vikings in the North. And an ambitious leader, he plans to become king of all the Vikings. He summons the boat Thorgal is traveling on, and Wor challenges Thorgal until he strikes him down. Which gives Wor the reasons he needed for his plan... |
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De sleutelbewaarster (The key-keeper) |
The snake Nidhogg has returned Volsung van Nichor from oblivion to perform a task: bring the belt of the key-keeper. To make it easier the snake gives the man the features of Thorgal. But Volsung decides to not return the belt, but take advantage of it. As Thorgal... |
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Het zonnezwaard (The sun-sword) |
Thorgal is traveling alone. One night he asks for hospitality in a farm, but the next morning the farmer hands him over to soldiers of Orgoff, the local potentate, to become one of his slaves. Orgoff has a mythical sun-sword, which gives him great power over the people here. Thorgal manages to escape to what they call the deserters, a small army hiding in the swamps. Not that it is safer there... |
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De onzichtbare vesting (The invisible castle) |
Thorgal is traveling with Kriss. Against his will, and her shooting someone in the back made him decide to separate and go home. On his path he meets a strange old woman who talks about the invisible castle, where the memory of the Gods is kept. And she says there is a way to be wiped off of that memory. But Thorgal has to believe this, and ask for it himself. Then he gets captured by the tribe of the killed man, and the situation is quite hopeless... |
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Het brandmerk van de ballingschap (The stigma of banishment) |
A man travels alone through the Northland, chased by wolves. He is found, badly wounded but alive, and taken to the village. It is Erik, the only one that returned from an expedition. And he has bad news: the others are either killed or captured by the pirate Shaigan. And Erik has recognized Shaigan, it is none other than Thorgal... |
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De kroon van Ogotai (Ogotai's crown) |
In a coup-d'état Shaigan-the-mighty, alias Thorgal, is killed. Many miles away Jolan and his friends are at sea in a small boat, battling against a storm. It seems they're on the losing end, and only Jolan washes alive on a shore. There a very strange man awaits him, who takes him on an incredible voyage... |
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Reuzen (Giants) |
Captain Dragov returns to the castle with 2400 gold-coins, the profit from selling slaves, and a prisoner: the king of a poor kingdom somewhere south-west. The king is Galathorn, and he recognises Thorgal, who is intrigued. Kriss tries everything to prevent the two from talking in private, but in vain. Thorgal is convinced that Galathorn speaks the truth, and together they try to get away from an enraged Kriss. Thorgal gets divine help, and is even offered the possibility of getting his name back. There is just one small favor he has to return... |
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De kooi (The cage) |
Thorgal recovers at Brek Zarith, but he longs for home. A princess tries to seduce him, but this makes him want to go home even faster. Meanwhile Aaricia is desperate to get Thorgal back from the claws of Kriss, and she tries to get the cooperation of Sardaz the skinned. The plan fails, and she escapes only just. Thorgal has arrived at their island and greets his children with joy, but when Aaricia arrives she doesn't seem to recognise him, and puts him in a cage... |
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Arachnea | Thorgal and his daughter are separated from the rest of the family, and end up at the foot of a cliff after a storm at sea. A sea of spiders forces them to climb the rock-wall, and they find a cave in which only She-wolf seems to be allowed to enter. Thorgal has no option but to climb further, and hope he can find help to get his daughter out of that cave. When he comes to the top of the cliff he finds himself in a lovely country, of which the inhabitants are not even aware there is such thing as a sea - even if they live on an island... |
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De blauwe ziekte (The blue disease) |
Thorgal and his family travel on and leave Darek and Lehla on the island. Jolan feels very lonely. A few days later they find an abandoned boat. Jolan investigates and gets bitten by a rat. Not serious, it seems at first. At first... |
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Het koninkrijk onder het zand (The kingdom under the sand) |
Thorgal and his family are spending the night on a dry coast. He has just decided that the next morning they'll turn back, and in a couple of months they will be back in Northland. But just then their boat burns beyond repair. They are stuck on that coast, and have no choice but to come with two people they met the evening before to their village. On their way through the desert one of the two shows evidence of a technology that clearly is not of this world... |
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De barbaar (The barbarian) |
Thorgal and Tiago are sold as slaves to the local governor. They are expected to perform as game in the next hunting party, together with other slaves and convicts. Thorgal manages to turn the game around, and they survive it. He earns his freedom, but the definition of freedom is a bit, well, limiting... |
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Kriss van Valnor (Kriss of Valnor) |
Aaricia and her children are condemned to a year in the silver-mines, as a punishment for their continuous escape-efforts. Jolan's dreams tell him that his father is not dead, and the absence of his corpse lets the Romans believe the same. In the silver-mine Aaricia is greeted by Kriss, also a prisoner but with special privileges. Kriss convinces them to help her escape. When they got out, Kriss has a surprise for them... |
All images © copyright by Le Lombard (Thorgal) and Dargaud (Trent)
© Jim Bella 2002-2005