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Castel Armer - Charly - Chninkel - Clifton - Comanche - Condor
Castel Armer
(by H. Reculé)
See also: Comic
Early 14th century. The Templars, once praised for their courage in battles and their pious life-style, have fallen into disgrace with the Church, and are now considered heretics.
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Het Lied van de Tempel (The song of the Temple) |
Rohan, knight from Castel Armer, has been captured treacherously, while his brothers in arms were killed. His wife to be, Alana, has promised that if he dies, she will follow him, and now she believes he died. Seven years later however Rohan, not killed or even judged upon, escapes from his gaol, and seeks revenge. And Alana? Is she really dead? |
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De Witte Hinde (The White Hind) |
Nigel and Yvana are attacked while they are chasing a white hind. Yvana is wounded, and Nigel almost looses the last fight, when someone comes to their rescue: Rohan. Who doesn't know who Nigel really is. They take Yvana to Rohan's house, and there Nigel sees the white hind again. He chases her all the way to and in a forest, but all he finds there is a naked girl hiding... |
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De Kruistocht van de Pastoureaux (The Crusade of the Pastoureaux) |
After Alana lost her child, Rohan and she are on young lord Galeran's castle, which is almost rebuilt. Alana is having nightmares, and hasn't spoken a word since the death of her child. Meanwhile the Pastoureaux, rebellious farmers, are coming closer to the castle. On first sight it seems they are after a Jewish father and daughter, seeking refuge in the castle. But their true leader is within the castle... |
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(The cry of the Wolf) | Alana is accused of the murder on the Jew, and is to remain in her quarters until there is time for a proper investigation. After all, the Pastoureaux are still trying to conquer the castle. Meanwhile in the village the farmers make a macabre discovery, which leads them to think there is a werewolf... |
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(In the Name of the Father) | Rohan and Alana stay with the Phorbes, the carpenter. He has asked them to look for his daughter who has disappeared a month ago, without a trace. The first traces lead to a clog-maker living in the woods. But on their way there they are attacked, be it that the attacker is easily chased away. Meanwhile a merciless bounty-hunter learns that Rohan's full name is "of Castel Armer", and that is enough to make her plan for his death... |
(by Magda & Lapière)
See also: Comic
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Duivels speelgoed (Diabolic toy) |
The six year old Charly can pick a toy to keep him busy while his father is away for a week, and he picks the space-ship of Captain Lightning, from the big TV-hit. The first day the ship fires at a dog that attacks Charly, and at night it goes out to kill the owner of the dog. At first this is Charly's secret, he finds it normal that a plastic toy can do this. But soon adults will find out that this is more than just a toy... |
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Het verloren eiland (The lost island) |
An island in Friesland, early May. Charly hasn't recovered from his ordeal with Captain Lightning at all. He's grumpy and has clearly mixed feelings towards his parents. A bit of excitement comes when there are rumours about a stranded Russian submarine, and impressive planes fly low over the island. More excitement will come from a storm though... |
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Dreigende Bliksem (Threatening Lightning) |
Charly and his mother are staying with friends, trying to come to terms with the death of Charly's father. Charly starts to develop strange behaviour, he has moments during which he does things he cannot remember. At the same time, in a secret military base, the toy spacecraft is re-assembled, to decide once and for all if what was told about it is true or not. Once assembled the toy escapes and flies to Charly... |
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De valstrik (The trap) |
Catherine's friends try to take her story to the press, hoping that this will deter the military intelligence that is still looking for Catherine and Charly, but with not much effect. On the contrary, Anne is captured. In her hideout Catherine has the impression that there is some progress in the way Charly looks at his toy. A few more weeks, she thinks, and he's ready to let Captain Lightning go. But thanks to a treatorous docter she doesn't have that much time anymore... |
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Nachtmerries (Nightmares) |
Catherine and Charly are trying to build up a life again, but it's not easy. Charly is haunted by what at first seem to be nightmares: he's visited by the people that were killed by Captain Lightning. But it goes further than that when he starts to be "visited" in the middle of the day by people that claim he's responsible for their death. And then he recognises one of them on TV... |
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Moordenaar (Killer) |
In Brussels they see the boy that will be killed, and Catherine follows him. In the hotel Charly is visited by another victim of the killer: himself... Moments later the killer enters their room, and though Jacques shoots him several times the man seems even unharmed. Charly flees... |
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De onschuld (The innocence) |
The killer is sighted, and it seems as if the net around him is tightening. Charly finds a Captain Lightning, just in time to get rid of some villains that want to hurt his friend. Together they go to where Charly saw his own death: the parking garage, exactly where the killer is going to as well. A confrontation is inevitable... |
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Vuurogen (Fire-eyes) |
Charly, Jacques and Catherine have rented a house in Brittany for a vacation-week. Charly, a teenager now, explores the surroundings and finds a cross and a bouquet of flowers in a bend in the road. Immediately he sees images of flames, a van on fire. It was a tragedy that shocked the community recently, when many yourng people died in a car-accident. The daughter of their neighbour jumps of a tower - but survives. Her attempt is linked to this car-accident... |
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Berichten uit vervlogen tijden (Messages from days long gone) |
Charly and his mother are in Cracou, in Poland, to celebrate Christmas with Jacques' family. As soon as they arrive Charly starts to see images from Cracou's past, of the more unpleasant part of that past. Pictures of wars, destructions, murder. And then the last image is the strongest one, the explosion of the tower of the cathedral. But that hasn't happened - yet? Maybe this isn't a hallucination, but a warning? |
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Engel (Angel) |
Charly is 16, and a bit on his own. He doesn't make friends easily, since nobody would really understand what he has been through, and at the same time it's tough to pretend everything is normal. Then he meets this girl, and they fall in love with each other. Slowly however they discover each other's uncommon past. Charly's past however is very ordinary compared to Angel's... |
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Een eeuwig leven (An eternal life) |
Charly is with his mother and her boyfriend in Egypt, on holiday. After a visit to an ancient city a man in their hotel starts shooting everyone he meets. Charly only just escapes. After that he starts meeting someone he couldn't possibly be meeting... |
De Chninkel
(by Rosinsky and Van Hamme)
See also: Comic
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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De Chninkel | It is a time of battles. Nobody knows why, or who started. Nobody wins, nobody loses. It is the time of three leaders, each with their peoples. They fight amongst each other over long forgotten causes. Peaceful beings are dragged into it, as cannon-fodder. The Chninkels are among those beings, and one of them stays on the battlefield, left behind as dead but unharmed. He cannot believe his luck. But then he gets a message from a higher entity, that should bring an end to this eternal bloodshed. All he has to do is use a force he got. But that's easier said than done... what force did he really get? And how to use it? |
I found this one of
the most beautiful stories I ever read. Great telling, great
drawings. |
All images © copyright by Le Lombard (Castel Armer and Comanche 1-10), Dargaud (Comanche 11- and Condor), Casterman (De Chninkel) and Dupuis (Charly).
© Jim Bella 2002-2005