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Vae Victis - De Verlichte Markiezin - De Voyageurs
Vae Victis
(by Rocca & Mitton)
See also: Comic Errors
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Amber, het banket van Crassus (Amber, Crassus' Banquet) |
Pompeius and Caesar are invited at Crassus for a decadent banquet. They discuss Rome's plans for Gaul. A Gaulish slave hears this and corrects some of the myths Rome believes about them. She is the only one of the slaves that survive the evening, by killing them the Romans want to keep their plans secret. Together with a friend she tries to travel back to Gaul, but the rivalry between various Roman fractions, and their scheming with the Helvetians doesn't make the trip any easier... |
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Cloduar, de legionair (Cloduar, the legionary) |
Cloduar acts as a bodyguard for some merchants that travel to Gergovia. Along the way they meet a small group of Gaulish soldiers, a group that is loyal to the son of a chieftain. Cloduar decides to leave the merchants behind and travel along in the group of Celtill. Several miles further Caesar and his troops are involved in a tactical march, where he tries to avoid that the Helvetians meet the Heduans, and for an alliance. He'll need all the support he can get, and Celtill and his group volunteer... |
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Garak, de dief (Garak, the thief) |
Milon frees Amber and Garak from slavery, and he warns Caesar about Crassus' plot against him Caesar finds a tactical answer to this plot. Garak and Amber escape from the Roman camp, after Garak has taken the collected jewels from all the fallen or captured soldiers. They don't get very far though, Germans ambush them... |
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Milon, de bliksem-tovenaar (Milon, the lightning-magician) |
The Romans crushed the German army, and Caesar hopes to get Amber and Milon back. They are far to the North-West though, they try to reach Brittany, where Amber hopes her child can be born. When they free a boy from men who tried to abduct him Amber falls and loses some blood. This forces them to spend some time in a village where they are not really welcome... |
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Boadicae, de woeste krijgsvrouw (Boadicae, the savage she-warrior) |
Amber arrives in Brittannia, together with many other refugees. The British cannot really cope with so many refugees, so they accept those that can work and are forced to either ask money from the others, or send them away. Amber, or Boadicae as her Gaulish name is, chooses another option: she travels with some travelling acrobats... |
De Verlichte Markiezin
(by Cothias & Lax)
See also: Comic Errors
1786, a few years before the French Revolution. People are starting to think more and more about their society, their views on religion, ideology, even in art reforms are on their way.
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Moeder en maagd (Mother and virgin) |
Sophie marries an older gentleman, who she admires for his mind, but who she doesn't love. She believes that her happiness will come in due time. Her husband is aware of the absence of love for him, and then he knows he is married only because his rival is already married, otherwise that one would have been chosen. |
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Zoe's noodlot (Zoe's faith) |
While travelling to Paris, Sophie and her husband pass the place where Sophie thinks she lost her child, and tells her husband about it. Irony wants it that they also pass Modeste Bonhomme, a poor man who in exchange for a few coins takes some orphans to an orphanage in Paris. One of the orphans is Sophie's child.. |
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De glimlach van de gehangene (The hanged man's smile) |
Modeste Bonhomme does what he can to get Zoe, the child he brought to the orphanage, back out of there, now that he has seen it inside. Het gets some help from a main claiming to be a physician there. At the same time Sophie's husband gets a visit from a policemen who claims he has some story to tell about Sophie's background... |
De Voyageurs
(by Kas & Macleod)
See also: Comic Errors
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
1 | ![]() |
Athabasca | The young Scottish immigrant, Bran Macleod, tries to intervene when an Indian is beaten by a mob in a bar. But he receives some beating himself. The silent Breton Erwan Kerouac takes him with him on a trip to the north in his canoe. To lake Athabasca... |
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Grizzly | "Scotty" is now accepted as a voyageur. Well, as one of them at least, for the time being he's only their cook and musician. When they leave to drop off their hides in the south, Kerouac's wife tells Scotty that she's pregnant. Good thing she did, because this will be the incentive for a very ill Kerouac to hold on, when they get separated from the rest of the group in the wilderness... |
All images © Copyright of Blitz (De Verlichte Markiezin) and Le Lombard (De Voyageurs).
© Jim Bella 2002-2005