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Pest in 't paleis - Peter Pan - Pin-up
Pest in 't Paleis
(by Guido Van Meir & Jan Bosschaert)
See also: Comic
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Pest in 't Paleis (Plague in the Palace) |
Too bad one needs to be a bit familiar with the political situation in Belgium, in the early eighties of the previous century. This is a great story based on existing people (mostly politicians, but also our candidates for the Eurovision Song Contest and others play their role), and the funniest bits of our politics are ported to the medieval times. On the front cover: besides a former NATO chairman, a former EU commissioner and a former prime minister, you can see our former king and queen, our current chairman of the house of representatives, and our current prime minister in his earlier years. |
Peter Pan
(by Loisel)
See also: Comic
These stories are based on Sir James Matthew Barrie's stories about Peter Pan. This however is a version clearly aimed at adults. No, don't expect sex, but people do bleed and die and so, and the beings are not quite as smooth and sweet-looking as the Disney-version.
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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London | Peter, 13 years old, rich in imagination and poor in parental love. He despises adults, or rather, how they act. Greedy, suppressing, egocentric, without any compassion. There is one exception: mister Kundal, who has taught him to read and write, and who feeds his imagination with stories and learns him how to develop his mind. One evening when it all goes wrong, his imagination comes alive, when a small fairy comes to him. |
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Opikanoba | Peter wakes up, and finds himself in a pirate ship. Awesome! He wants to be a pirate too, and sends Tinkelbel away. She warns other people on the island, because things are obviously not going as planned. They attempt to free Peter, but it gets worse: Pan is being captured. Pan is making up a story for the pirate captain, to make him go and capture a few redskins. While doing so, the rest of the group, with the help of the Indians, could then ambush the pirates. But that is not quite going as planned... |
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De storm (The storm) |
The captain captures one of the inhabitants of the island, to force Peter to show up. So the islanders come up with a plan: they'll let the captain believe there is a treasure, and they'll exchange that for the kidnapped child. So the mermaids dive in the shipwrecks near the cliffs to get everything valuable, while the others make a raft to bring the "treasure". And in the mean time the weather is planning something too... |
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Rode handen (Red hands) |
Peter manages to get the bullet out of Bokkenpoot. But when Peter wakes up Bokkenpoot died. Peter feels very guilty, because he forgot to wash his hands. He runs off into the woods, and being a bit delirious from his infected finger, he is trying to knock of his "guilty" hand when the Indians find him, and Tijgerlelie takes care of his wound. When he's back to his senses, he takes revenge on the one truly guilty of Bokkenpoot's death... |
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Haak (Hook) |
After the captain lost his hand and the crocodile has eaten it, he has come up with another plan to get Peter. He has drawn a map of the island, and he'll go over land. They won't expect that. Meanwhile Peter is back to London, to say good-bye to an old friend. And when he returns, he has two treasures with him. |
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Het lot (Destiny) |
The picture of Peter's mother goes from hand to hand and gives each the impression they have a mother for a day. Little John can keep it for a day too, but at night Tinkelbel steals it. The next morning Little John, together with Wendy who is responsible for him, has to undergo a suitable punishment. But Peter shouldn't have listened to Tinkelbel's advice concerning the punishment... |
(by Berthet & Yann)
See also: Comic
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Pin-Up 1 | World War II. Thousands of young men leave their girls behind to go and fight for their country. Joe is one of them, Dottie the one staying behind. When she looses her job she is forced to go and work in some night-club, where she meets Milton, who asks her to pose for his drawings of pin-ups that will be painted on bomber-planes. There he notices she is the perfect Poison Ivy... |
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Pin-Up 2 | Joe is a prisoner of war in a Japanese camp. He is sent out to work at a railroad bridge. Dottie has a job in a factory where she, and hundreds of other women, construct Mitchell bomber planes. Her role as model is taken over by Tallulah, but her character is by far not as popular as Poison Ivy. So there is a lot of pressure on Dottie to start posing again... |
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Pin-Up 3 | The war is over, Japan has capitulated. But that also means the end of the patriottic comic strip, so both Dottie and Milton need to look for something else to do. Someone else is looking too, and he leaves a trail of dead young girls behind, young girls that posed as pin-ups for pictures on bomber-planes... |
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Pin-Up 4 | Dottie is the second wife of Gary, a U2 pilot. Gary is shot down, and now this is in the news Dottie and Gary's son hear for the first time what Gary really was doing. He survives, and many see that as treason so Dottie's life becomes a hell. And to top that all Gary's son, Rusty, runs away. Then she gets a strange proposition from a billionnaire... |
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Pin-Up 5 | As part of the deal Hughes forces Dottie to act in a movie about Poison Ivy, while Gary is facing his trial in Russia. Somehow Hughes managed to get her a permit to attend the trial. But all she can do there is hear him be convicted to 10 years in prison... |
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Pin-Up 6 | Dottie has disappeared, and Hughes moves heaven and earth to find her. But when she spends the night with a Russian agent who just escaped her arrest, Hughes' detectives find her. Hughes' humiliations however make one of the detectives help her hide again, but in vain... |
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Big Bunny | At Angie's funeral someone attempts to shoot Hefner, but the combined forces of her boy-friend, "Snake Eyes", and Dottie prevent this. The killer gets away though, and Snake Eyes and Dottie go out together to rinse away the emotions. When they arrive at her flat they notice that someone has been there, and someone else has taken that someone, thinking it was Dottie. The result is bad news for Hefner... |
All images Copyright © Kritak (Pest in 't Paleis), Blitz (Peter Pan 2), Arboris (Peter Pan 1,4,5,6) and Dargaud (Pin-Up)
© Jim Bella 2002-2005