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(by Vrancken & Desberg)
See also: Comic Errors

Nr. Cover Title Story
1 Cover IR$ De mazen van de wet
(The loopholes)
A Swiss citizen is killed in the US.  That happens more I presume, but this man's car has been sabotaged.  Larry finds out who did it, but being from the IRS he is more interested in the money paid for the job that in who did it, that's the FBI's job.  Another man has paid large sums to a Swiss account, and has been there too.  It all seems to have something to do with surviving relatives of Jews during the holocaust, and their quest to get the possessions of their relatives back from the Swiss banks...  Or not?
2 Cover IR$ De Hagen-strategie
(The Hagen-strategy)
It is clear Geldhof will be free quickly, with or without bail.  So Larry has to move quickly to find out the truth behind him.  He gets in touch with his daughter, who tells him she knows what Geldhof did.  He also hears a bit of the tape of the answering machine: someone on his way to Tel Aviv.  With which mission?
3 Cover IR$ Blue Ice The killing of three less law-obeying citizens seems to be part of settling accounts between some gangs.  But when Ryan Ricks shows up in Los Angeles it becomes clear that the killings are part of a larger plan.  Hicks is a financer, a white-washer, and hardly ever for legal organisations.  What is going on?
4 Cover IR$ Narcoticratie
Hicks arrives in Mexico with both the DEA and the IRS on his tail.  They find out where he stays and decide to set up a trap.  But as it turns out it is Hicks who has set up the trap.  How did he know?  Who gave him the information?
5 Cover IR$ Silicia inc. Both after the death of the assistant of a corrupt mayor, and at the offices of the attorney of an assasinated leader of an Asian country the same company pops up: Silicia inc.  There's one detail: the company doesn't exist.  Yet after some digging Larry Max finds out that there is such a company, in Aruba.  Over there Larry discovers that the services this company delivers must be quite exclusive as the fees are astronomous.  What he doesn't know is that Silicia knows about him too...
6 Cover IR$ De omkoper
(The corrupter)
Silicia arranges a meeting with Larry, but he finds out she's not who he thought he was, be it only just in time.  Without knowing she might now have given him the clue he needed to solve the puzzle, but at the same time Silicia now has a lever to make Larry do what they want...
7 Cover IRS Corporate America When Larry was young, there was a lot of pressure on him to sell the shares he had in his father's company, after his father died.  Today the ghosts from the past seem to return as bits and pieces of information seem to indicate that the powers that were behind the rather agressive "convincing" methods he underwent as a young man are very active today, and they seem to be active in something more far-reaching than the simple shares they were after earlier...

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All images © copyright by Le Lombard (I.R.$.).



© Jim Bella 2002-2005


Last update: Sunday, May 29, 2005


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