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Finkel - Fortuinzoekers - Franka
(by Convard & Gine)
See also: Comic
More and more children seem to get a strange disease, that mutates their longs into gills - but not completely. The realms are governed as an oligarchy, with the Feder-company as the leaders. One monastery on a remote island is capable of making an elixir that can slow down the disease. But not only the Feder-lands are in need for the elixir...
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Het kind van de zee (The child from the sea) |
Finkel has been asked by the Feder, together with the Sige-monk Berith and Eloïne, a Feder representative, to look for a child on a remote island that would have completed its mutation. That is very important to understand the disease, and find a better cure. But not only the Feder is trying to get the child... |
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Oceaan (Ocean) |
Berith catches images of the bloody future for the munks at Stolkin island. That would be a disaster, since they are the only ones that are able to distill the liquor that can extend the life of the dream-children. An expedition sets of, but arrives too late. It's impossible to go after the Nek'amas that did this, but an expelled ex Nek'amas leader could become a pawn in a counter-strategy... |
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Genos | Hoschee, the former Nek'amas leader helps the Feder find out where the munks are kept. The Feder has no choice but to go into battle. Berith captures the continuous presence of a thought-reader, but he can't figure out what he's trying to do. This becomes clear the moment the Feder armada is ready to sail out, and Hoschee discovers he has all the time been manupilated to give incorrect information. Finkel however has his own plans, plans that have this kind of treason incalculated... |
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Het geheim (The secret) |
The Feder is on the trail of the Nek'Amas. These have killed a monk to make the other ones tell the secret of the elixir, but without result. Meanwhile Finkel is preparing for a daring action. He will practice the art of invisibility to free the monks, right under the nose of Sa'bbal... |
(by Franz)
See also: Comic Errors
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Gewoon een eiland (Just an island) |
A small company sails from Plymouth to the West Indies. Among them Andrew, who is very charmed by the young Priscilla. So much, that he gets caught and is promptly thrown off the ship, on a deserted island. Not that deserted it seems, when cannibals pay it a visit. Andrew rescues a young native girl. When pirates seek for fresh water and fruit on the island, Andrew and the girl travel with them, back to the "civilized" world... |
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In het midden van nergens... (In the middle of nowhere...) |
"No Mercy" shoots one of the natives, and that is enough to scare them to death and make them run and hide. Priscilla, Tim, Andrew and Ulysses escape through a bay to a cave, but the pirate saw the natives leave and he walks his usual way to the cave, since he knows it: it's where he hid his little savings. They don't see the Frenchman Sillé come nearer, followed by the ship of the Scorpion. When they find out it's too late, and they have to try to stay out of both gentlemen's hands... |
(by Henk Kuypers)
See also: Comic Errors
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
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Het misdaadmuseum (The Crime Museum) |
A comic author asks the people from the Crime Museum for advice for a scenario he has made. A movie director asks advice for a script he has. And an antiques merchant, with a hidden weapon sale in his basement, ties all these things together... |
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Het meesterwerk (The masterpiece) |
Franka's neighbor, a painter, has finally sold a real painting, and doesn't have to live on painting panels for movie-theaters anymore. He goes and delivers the painting himself, with Franka's car. And disappears. Franka follows the little trail she has, and finds herself at a castle, where that trail seems to end. She returns, or at least pretends to, because some things don't make sense... |
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De terugkeer van de Noorderzon (The return of the Northern Sun) |
Everyone from the Crime Museum is invited for the anniversary of the overthrowing of the dictator of Oceanaqua. They enjoy the beach and the water until a storm grows to a tropical hurricane. During that hurricane a ghost ship is seen - and it returns... |
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De wraak van het vrachtschip (The revenge of the freight-vessel) |
Franka is almost murdered, and by following her killer she finds the missing sailor. But again she has to run, and she escapes with an airplane to Oceanaqua. She is tracked however, and this time the murder-attempt seems to succeed: she is left alone, unconscious, in a flying airplane on autopilot... |
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Circus Santekraam | Finally, holiday. Franka will spend a few days off at "De Weelde", the estate of the countess she met in her first adventure. On her way there she thinks she hears a talking horse, and sees double people, but that must be her imagination, proof she needs this holiday. But when a car driven by a dog overtakes her it's a bit too much and she ends up in a ditch. And then she notices most things can be explained easily: there is a circus. Most things can be explained, but not all of them... |
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De monsters van de Moerplaat (The monsters of the Moerplaat) |
Three shorter stories, in which Franka investigates things on her own. In the first for example there is evidence of a monster near a sand-bank, and the guessing blended with an old myth and lots of alcohol stirs up the wild stories. Franka decides to have a look on the bank - and is surprised to actually see something huge flying towards her... |
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De tanden van de draak (The teeth of the dragon) |
Franka is looking for a replacement part for her diving gear, but finds some artifact in stead. Before she can even take it home someone is trying to take it from her, and even tries to kill her for it. So she tries to figure out what she has actually bought, and it turns out to be something made of a jaw of a dinosaur. Except, it's only a few centuries old... |
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De ondergang van de donderdraak (The downfall of the thunderdragon) |
Franka and Ava think they managed to escape everything. They're on their way upstream with a helicopter, but one screw slows them down. Still, they make it to the lake, and to the dragon mountain. First even. But only just... |
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Moordende concurrentie (Killing competition) |
A young and unknown fashion designer is doing everything she can to make it, independently. With a lot of creativity and a lot of convincing she manages to make a first step, and she is invited on a party of a really big name in haute couture. The proposal she receives is unacceptable, but Madame Maud doesn't take no for an answer... |
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Gangsterfilm (Gangster-movie) |
Franka stands in for a friend who works at a courier company. While standing in front of a traffic light she receives a call from the lady in the car next to her. She is being threatened to be killed by the guys in the car behind her, who are waiting for the right moment. Franka assists, without knowing into what she has entered... |
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De vlucht van de Atlantis (The flight of the Atlantis) |
It's hot, very hot. Franka decides to go to the beach, where she goes windsurfing. A summer-storm surprises her, and she seeks shelter in a house near the beach, together with a girl that seems to be looking for something there. The girl tells her story, and Franka is intrigued... |
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De blauwe Venus (The blue Venus) |
A stormy evening, and Franka has to chase a sum of money taken by the wind. She disturbs some people, but doesn't pay attention. They do, and need her to die. They almost succeed. Of course Franka has to find out what it behind this... |
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De dertiende letter (The thirteenth letter) |
With the money Franka got from the insurance company for bringing back the Blue Venus, she has started up her own investigation bureau. But it doesn't go well, nobody calls. Until all of a sudden, just when she starts to get desperate, someone asks to bring a valuable antique gun to Berlin. But there is more to this than she knows... |
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Het Portugese goudschip (The Portuguese gold-ship) |
Franka receives a golden tip: Risc One is in town. She convinces the head of the security of a large museum - who coordinates the security in other museums - that she can find him, and prevent him from doing whatever it is he's going to do. But then he leaves the country? Did he abandon his plans, or is he already executing htem..? |
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De ogen van de roerganger (The eyes of the helmsman) |
The track is cold and very faint, but it's a track and by following it Franka finds more and more evidence that it was good to follow it. Via a weapons (and other things) merchant and Russian smuggling pilots she ends up in Sarawak, smugglers paradise. She feels she's closing in on Rix, but this smuggler's paradise is not at all free of danger - and old acquaintances... |
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Succes verzekerd (Success assured) |
Criminals use explosives to break in into an art-gallery. Franka is asked to get the stolen art back, by the eccentric and extremely wealthy Block. When being driven back home, the car blows a tire and both the driver and Franka almost die. She realizes it wasn't an accident but sabotage, and someone tried to kill her. For this Block-case? Most likely. And it is not the last attempted murder on her... |
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Eigen risico (Own risk) |
Via a risky burglary at her insurer Rix and Franka find out Esmée's whereabaouts - and Rix finds out something else as well about the insurer, something that might be useful later on. Guadeloupe is the next step, that's where Esmée is. They miss her by a minute at her place, so they decide to follow her to the party she went to. And there things start to go wrong... |
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Kidnap | Efa, a singer-model-actrice who has built a small empire around her image, has asked Franka to come to the set of her next movie to talk about a business proposal. Before they can discuss the proposal Efa hears that one of the roller-skaters that is supposed to perform in a show tonight has twisted her ankle, and can't skate. Efa asks Franka, who agrees to do it. During the show Efa's daughter is kidnapped... |
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Felle flitsen (Fierce Flashes) |
Free comic,
distributed during the ComicBookPresentDays 2002. It contains
commercials drawn by Henk Kuijpers, some just a poster, some a one-page
comic, and one slightly longer story.
Quite fun :-) |
All images © copyright by Blitz (Finkel), Talent (Fortuinzoekers), Oberon (Franka).
© Jim Bella 2002-2005