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Adler - Aldebaran - Alex - Aquablue - Aria - Asterix
(by René Sterne)
See also: Comic
The years after the second World War.
Adler is a German, but he's not really proud of what was done in name of his
country. More: he's a deserter, he ran when the things he saw conflicted
too much with his conscience.
He was a pilot, and that's what he's doing now too, for a small private
airline. If he's not involved in all sorts of adventures, of course.
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
1 | ![]() |
Het vliegtuig van Nanga (The airplane from Nanga) |
Adler stumbles on an abandoned airplane, in the middle of the Himalaya. Since his own plane is beyond repair, he manages to fix this one, and gets airborne with it. Considered crashed in the Himalaya, he makes a surprise return. But then the troubles begin. What was the Fiat doing in the Himalaya? Who was it from? Where did the crew go to? And why was it shot down? |
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De schuilplaats van de Katana (The shelter of the Katana) |
Maya and Adler go and pick up the treasure, left behind in the Himalaya. Now they can at least fund their efforts to get her country free. While preparing for their struggle, they are invited at the American embassy in the Philippines. There Adler meets an old army buddy, who recruits him for the air-force of the company he works for. The same company that has taken over Maya's country... |
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Dood in transit (Death in transit) |
Helen is with an archeological expedition, looking for remains of the Maya civilization. Meanwhile Adler is on his way with a plane full of goods for the same expedition. And while Adler is in trouble with his plane above the sea, a group of bandits attacks the expedition. No survivors, on first sight... |
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Laatste Missie (Final Mission) |
In 1944 a bomber-plane is missing in Northern Burma. Everyone presumes the crew is dead. Five years later Adler and Helen spot the wrecked plane, and need to make an emergency landing on the airstrip of a nearby village. There it turns out that May has been waiting for the pilot to return, for five years now. Would he still be alive? And if so, what can be done? |
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Black Bounty | Helen met somebody else, and Adler spends his time heart-broken on pappy's boat. Purely by coincidence he discovers a cave, and in that cave a skeleton and a boat. And a letter. And a map. A treasure-map...? But other people find out about the treasure, and their intentions are not to share it with anyone, after they got it. And nothing will stop them from getting the treasure... |
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Het verloren eiland (The lost island) |
After having lost the description to the treasure to the Macduffs, Pappy discovers hidden text on the map. And more clues that seem to indicate the letter alone is not enough to get there, on the contrary. So they decide to see if they can find it. Unfortunately the Macduffs have found out that Adler, Maeva, Maana and Pappy have the information they need to get the treasure... |
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De rode jungle (The red jungle) |
Scott, Helen's new boyfriend, came looking for Adler to get his help. They were in Bahia Verde, in Ecuador, witness of the brutal butchering of an entire village of peaceful Indians. Helen is captured by the brutal General Casas, who wants a million dollar in exchange for her life... |
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De verdoemden (The damned) |
After Scott has been captured, Adler gets in touch with Miguel, who will help him to get into the castle. Miguel reveals that Casas works together with some escaped Nazis, among which an assistant to Dr. Mengele. Adler fears the worst for Helen, should she fall into his hands. They manage to get into the castle, but too late, Helen is no longer there, and Adler's worst fears come true.. |
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De Kracht (The force) |
Adler is on his way to Bora Bora, back home after his adventure in Ecuador. In San Felix, 500 miles from the Chilean coast, he makes a final stop to prepare his plane for the long trip. A Russian vessel with military on board, selects the same harbor for some repairs. They just lost their seaplane, and they "persuade" Adler to carry them to the place they lost their plane. Upon arrival there they encounter an unknown force... |
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De Goelag (The Gulag) |
The Sowjets have captured Adler, certain as they are he is an American agent, and responsible for the loss of a ship, its crew, and a bomb. He is sentenced to forced labour in a Gulag, and ends up in one of the worst there are. He has two choices: die there, or die trying to escape... |
(by Léo)
See also: Comic
De colonization of Aldebaran seems to be successful. The society is organized and is getting to know the planet and its odd and sometimes dangerous wildlife. Contact with Earth has been lost some time ago however, and no ships seem to come anymore either. A dangerous creature seems to inhabit the oceans, a creature without a definite form. Or isn't it dangerous at all, and is it trying to communicate?
Nr. | Cover | Title | Story |
1 | ![]() |
De ramp (The catastrophe) |
Odd things happen near a little coastal village. Marine creatures throw themselves on the shore, and the rotting remains of a creature from the deep is floating at the surface of the sea. A stranger comes to the village and urges the people to leave in land for a while. He knows the cause for these strange effects: a sea creature that could become really dangerous, even for the village. Nobody believes him. Marc, a teenager from the village, brings a reporter by boat towards the stranger, who moved on. At least, that is what they try to do, when the sea suddenly turns solid... |
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De blonde vrouw (The blond woman) |
Kim and Marc have a job on a ship that will bring them to Anatolia. They are forced however to leave the ship, and continue the journey on foot. When they reach Jandira Cross they think that the next morning they can take a zeppelin to Anatolia. However, they see the woman from Driss' picture, captured. Intrigued they follow the group and book a room in the hotel where they will spend the night. That will be their last calm day together... |
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De foto (The photo) |
Mr. Pad helps Marc get out of prison. Marc has been there for more than 3 years, without being convicted. Mr. Pad does this with a purpose: a group has asked to have a look at a photo in a museum. On that photo Marc could identify Driss and Alexa. The photo would make a lot clear, that's the only explanation he got... |
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De groep (The group) |
Gwen and Li get in touch with Alexa and Driss. But not unnoticed, the police manages to hear most of the conversation. Alexa and Driss want to form a small group that should get to know more about the Mantrisse. Meanwhile that same Mantrisse forms an amazing construction in the middle of the sea, something that looks like a satellite dish. Does it send something? The group has gathered in a zeppelin, and they think they got away unnoticed. But that's not the case... |
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Het wezen (The creature) |
As was expected the zeppelin crashes in the middle of the swamps. The group tries to climb on the back of heavily armored animals, thinking that they are safe there since the animals go back to the sea, out of the dangerous area. While climbing down the trees Li is attacked by a pretty large animal. They manage to shoot it, but Li is badly wounded. And this all has separated Kim, Marc and the unconscious Li from the rest of the group, in the middle of the most dangerous zone of the planet... |
All images © copyright by Le Lombard (Adler and Aria 1-15), Dargaud (Aldebaran and Asterix 1-24), Blitz (Aquablue), Casterman (Alex), Dupuis (Aria 16-), and Les Éditions Albert René (Asterix 25-)
© Jim Bella 2002-2004