This was taken in July ’09 at a music-and-loads-of-other-things festival in Dilbeek, during a concert of an Afro-Belgian band. Véry rhythmic and exciting music, and I noticed this woman having the time of her life. I’m a bit reluctant about taking pictures of people I don’t know, but every glance, every movement showed so much pleasure, I just had to picture her. Haven’t got a clue who she is, all I know is she speaks French and she smokes.
Een foto die je inderdaad het gevoel heeft dat de dame in kwestie heel veel geniet van het optreden, en soms heeft het je zelfs de goesting om mee te dansen
Doen, hé Peter, doen. Volgende juli. En breng je camera mee 🙂
Warm and lovely lively pic 🙂