Practising your camera-skills can be real fun when you’re combining that with something else you like. Like attending a concert, even if it is on the smallest of stages with the smallest of audiences. This is a young and unknown band acting as the support act for Letz Zeppelin, a tribute band. Lighting wasn’t spectacular, but rather predictable, so I could just wait for this contre-jour, all I had to hope for was the guitar-player would look sort of into the direction I wanted. And he did, very nice of him.
The black and white version is about as much photoshopped as the colour version is. No major corrections or edits, just emphasizing different parts in different ways. Originally the guitar wasn’t as pronounced as in both pictures, for example, and you can see a slight difference between both in the visibility of the shirt below the guitar. Which one I like more? Hard to say… They’re different, that’s all.